Friday, July 25, 2008

The Jeremiah Project

The Jeremiah Project is a free lunch and education program for Guatemalan street children who work in Antigua to help support their families. Kids can come by the "Refugio Jeremiah" at noon for a free lunch. If they stay(and they do) they get two hours of basic education - math, reading and writing - that they wouldn't otherwise receive. The project is run by Larenda Haden, who was an intern in Reynosa, Mexico with me two years ago.

This week we held our VBS at the Jeremiah Project, combining the dozen or so kids who regularly show up at the project with about thirty of the kids the Escuela Integrada across the street. The Jeremiah kids are fairly rough around the edges, but it was amazing to see how the influence of their better-behaved peers changed them over just a week. Larenda said it was an intense experience for her kids, and many of them got very jealous of the attention she was giving the VBS kids from the Escuela. This coming week we'll have VBS at the Escuela and give Larenda's kids a chance to catch their breaths. These are some pictures from before VBS, during the kids afternoon lessons.

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