Monday, July 21, 2008

Vista Hermosa

This week we are replacing the roofs of two families' homes in Vista Hermosa—a small community of extremely poor Guatemalans on the side of a mountain just outside Antigua. Vista Hermosa is a good ways up the mountain, and it's a substantial hike to get there. Once you're there, the view is amazing, though somewhat ironic: Vista Hermosa overlooks one of the richest areas of Antigua, including a few tennis courts and a soccer stadium.

In this last photo you can see Volcano Fuego just beyond the first mountain range. Volcano Agua takes up an even larger portion of the sky to the south.

1 comment:

That gentleman's lady said...

love the pictures.

I skimmed through the first page.

You can totally tell me to read through older portions of your blog and figure it out myself.... but... what are you going out there?